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12 de diciembre de 2009 20:33
Para: "Darnaude, Ignacio" <>

There are two sides to every single particle, thought,
situation or condition of this 'binary' material world.

On the one side we have receptivity (yin) and the other there is delivery (yang).
This world is built on the play of these two balanced facets — the giving and the taking.

All life has a drive to survive.
In such a world-base of survival, the gearing creates
a differential between any effort and its result.
This is the story behind advantage — the only question in a world built on competition
. . . who possesses the advantage?
Such is the story defining all history — the story of advantage.
History has traditionally been taught from one period of war to the next period of war
. . . one shift of the advantage to the next.
It is even said that history is written by the victors and suffered by the victims.

With every cycle, there is always the tipping point; the moment at which leverage
gives way to the overage of counter-momentum and one side emerges victorious.
Can you imagine living your life without competition?
Can you imagine giving away your advantage to level the playing field?
This would definitely be called foolish.

How many have ever really seen their self in a mirror . . . really seen through all the
obstacles of thought and emotion and drilled right down to the clairvoyance?
How about every morning, standing in front of your mirror and saying:
"to be confident, that the infinite, will take care of it, I am so fortunate."
Can you imagine what you would think of yourself?
You wouldn't get over it all day.
You might even think of yourself as quite foolish,
but is that fortunate or unfortunate to be such a fool?

In the coming evolution and in the new economy the task will
not be to compete, but to compassionately share.
The world is becoming far too crowded for competition.
But in today's world it would be called foolish
— tipping your hand in the midst of the competition.

The original zero card of the Tarot deck — the Fool — a magical symbology
describing the most important way to begin the journey of your destiny.
In order to start any journey, in order to think that the journey is even possible; you must observe all the evidence of failure and fool yourself into believing it will not stop you.
In many cases — to even begin a great journey — you have got to be a fool.
There are many historical journeys of this great success that would only
have been commenced in a foolish moment.
They have then led to profound outcomes.
Love and togetherness in the midst of crisis is one such moment.

This is also why humor is such a key to the path of the Fool
and the path of successfully reaching your destiny.
Humor comes from two words; (hu), which means light and (mor), which means more.
Humor means more light.
When everyone is very serious and you might risk a laugh; don't people often say,
"Stop making light of the situation."
The fool's response should be, "Yes! Let's make light of the situation.
Let's shine more awareness on this so that the pathway to our goal is revealed to us."

Destiny is often revealed through dreams and aspirations.
These become motivations much like the carrot on a stick in front of a horse.
When there is a carrot on the stick in front of a horse,
the horse dreams of the carrot and walks toward it.
But does the stick ever become shorter, or does the horse ever reach the carrot?
In order for the horse to eat the carrot, the horse must break the stick
against a tree and eat the carrot and be done with it.

The stick and the carrot represent the ways of tradition.
When you have a dream that is motivating you and it is set up like a carrot on a stick;
in order to get away with breaking the stick of tradition, you must do it with a smile
. . . you must proceed forth with a great sense of humor.
Learn to do this and learn to appreciate what you have done . . . with some humor.

It is more fun than living in a competitive environment.
When you learn to do this, your day job will mold around you.
When you learn to do this, you will create so much abundance that, not only will you
provide for yourself — your own needs — but you will provide for everyone.

Have all the attitudes: confidence (which means with faith — with 'con' faith 'fidence'),
the outlook of the fool and a tremendous sense of humor.
Allow this to level every mountain in your pathway
and enable an overriding belief that the impossible is possible . . .

. . . These are the keys to our world in the next evolution and the economy that pays for it
. . . a world in which we prosper without causing depletion
. . . a world in which we succeed without causing failure.






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